Nimrod: A new approach to meta programmingΒΆ

Authors:Andreas Rumpf

Agenda: Overview of Nimrod and some implementation aspects, followed by Hello World and then moving into metaprogramming.

Nimrod is a statically typed systems programming language. It has a clean syntax and strong meta-programming capability (for example, you can declare the not equals operator for Nimrod in Nimrod). Nimrod compiles to C, C++, and Objective-C. Portions of it also compile to Javascript.

Nimrod provides a realtime GC with exhibits maximum pause times of 1-2 milliseconds. The compiles provides dead code elimination, and the stdlib is designed to leverage this: for example, if you’re using parsing, it doesn’t use regular expressions, so the regular expression portion is optimized away. (The GC can also be optimized away!)


echo "hello ", "world", 99

is rewritten to:

echo([$"hello ", $"world", $99])

echo is declared as a procedure (function), and $ (the toString operator) is applied to every argument. This type conversion is local: only in this context are the arguments converted [not sure what else could happen?].

Nimrod’s focus is meta programming via macros. For example:

template htmlTag(Tag:expr) {.immediate.} =
  proc tag(): string = "<" & astToStr(tag) & ">"


echo br()
echo html()



Note that calls to htmlTag use the parameter name to create a procedure of the same name.

[Shows additional examples]

Macros can also be used to implement DSLs. [shows example of an HTML templating DSL; looks pretty slick] Macros support rewriting as well as simple expansion.

[Additional in depth metaprogramming examples.]

[Shows examples of % and optFormat]

Those look a lot alike, what about reducing duplication using templates? Yup, Nimrod does that.